


Baseball accessories and equipment to complement your baseball training. We carry strength building and safety equipment, and grip aids including the popular ProHitter and top rated XLR8 Speed Tape. When you need to get that extra edge to become a better hitter, fielder, and all around baseball player, has just the accessories you need.

"We're not raising grass, we're raising boys." - Harmon Killebrew's father, when his wife complained about playing baseball in the yard ruining the lawn.

  • XLR8 Speed Tape

    XLR8 Speed Tape


    Are you looking for more Bat Speed? Wrap your bat handle with the newest, most innovative material on planet Earth... XLR8 Speed Tape. BAM! Instant Bat Speed! Think we’re kidding? This product was developed in conjunction with one of the most...
  • Coaches Catcher Protector Coaches Catcher Protector

    Coaches Catcher Protector

    The Catcher Protector is excellent for coaches and players of all ages. Constructed of durable plastic, the Catcher Protector keeps the groin area safe during practice. Designed to fit safely on any bucket, the Catcher Protector is comfortable and helps...
  • ProHitter Batting Grip Aid ProHitter Batting Grip Aid

    ProHitter Batting Grip Aid

    INCREASE YOUR POWER, BAT SPEED AND HITTING CONSISTENCY! The Simple but Effective Batting Tool that the Very Best in Baseball use for proper grip technique and to reduce sting and bone bruises when jammed by an inside pitch. PROHITTER® is used in...
  • On Sale
    XLR8 Baseball Speed Watch

    XLR8 Baseball Speed Watch


    Now: $4.95
    Was: $29.95
    Why spend hundreds of dollars on a radar gun? The XLR8 Speed Watch is an easy to use alternative that calculates the speed of any object or person by instantly converting time & distance into a MPH reading at a fraction of the cost! Great for any...
    Now: $4.95
    Was: $29.95
  • Complete Cool-Catcher Max System

    Complete Cool-Catcher Max System

    Stay cool even on the hottest days of the year. The Complete Cool-Catcher Max System is a catcher's mask cold gel-pack holder. Includes 3 cold gel-packs. Simply strap it into your catcher's helmet and hit the field! Easily attaches via...
  • On Sale
    SwingTracker SwingTracker iPad

    SwingTracker by Diamond Kinetics

    Diamond Kinetics

    Now: $99.99
    Was: $139.95
    Improve your batting average! - SwingTracker is THE most precise and in-depth baseball and softball swing analysis and development tool available. The sensor attaches to virtually any baseball bat and captures motion data in real-time and sends it to the...
    Now: $99.99
    Was: $139.95
  • Aluminum Fence Baseball Bat Rack

    Aluminum Fence Baseball Bat Rack

    Tough aluminum construction boasts a durable design for long-lasting storage Interlocks with chain link fences for quick and easy installation in most dugouts Includes storage space for up to 10 baseball bats
  • Arm Strong Complete Pitching and Throwing Trainer Arm Strong Complete Pitching and Throwing Trainer

    Arm Strong Complete Pitching and Throwing Trainer

    Every player wants to throw harder with more accuracy, while protecting their arm.  Now they can!  Since 1996, the ARM STRONG has been strengthening and protecting the arms of baseball players. Many coaches and parents give credit to the ARM...
  • ThrowMax


    How many times have you had to tell your players: "GET YOUR ELBOW UP WHEN YOU THROW!!!" Players learn by seeing hearing and feeling. If they cannot have all of those factors working for them it's very difficult to understand what a coach is saying. It is...
  • MySportsClock - Alarm Clock

    MySportsClock - Alarm Clock

    Unique Action Sensor Turns Alarm Off When You Toss Your Clock! Here is your chance to get back at your alarm clock. When the alarm sounds, you can toss or bounce your clock to turn it off. Have a ball with your new sports clock! The Bouncing Alarm Clock...
  • On Sale
    Speed Sensor Softball - 11" Yellow Cover

    Speed Sensor Softball - 11" Yellow Cover


    Now: $44.95
    Was: $57.60
    Press start, throw the ball, and the LCD indicator displays pitch speed in MPH upon impact. 3 predetermined distance settings of 40 ft., 43 ft., and 46 ft. Official size and weight of a regulation softball, but used as a training aid for any age or skill...
    Now: $44.95
    Was: $57.60
  • Baseball Bracelet

    Baseball Bracelet

    This bracelet is made from real baseball hide and stitching. It is an ideal accessory for all ball players and fans alike.
  • Jugs Back-Saver Portable Ball Basket Full Jugs Back-Saver Portable Ball Basket Empty

    Back-Saver™ Portable Ball Basket by JUGS


    Perfect for holding balls during batting practice, the Jugs® Back-Saver™ Portable Ball Basket eliminates having to constantly bend over when pitching. This ball basket holds up to 100 baseballs or 60 softballs. A portable tool for coaches...
  • Speed Sensor Baseball - 9" White Cover

    Speed Sensor Baseball - 9" White Cover


    Press start, throw the ball, and the LCD indicator displays pitch speed in MPH upon impact. Official size and weight of a regulation baseball, but used as a training aid for any age or skill level. Measure distance between pitcher and catcher with...
  • Hitting Jack-It Fastpitch Softball Bat Weight System Hitting Jack-It Fastpitch Softball Bat Weight System

    Hitting Jack-It Fastpitch Softball Bat Weight System

    Build power and bat speed with the Hitting Jack-It Fastpitch Softball Bat Weight System, the only weight in the game you can hit during live batting practice! This is a complete hitting system that provides real results. The Hitting Jack-It System...
  • Hitting Jack-It Baseball Bat Weight System Hitting Jack-It Baseball Bat Weight System

    Hitting Jack-It Baseball Bat Weight System

    Build power and bat speed with the Hitting Jack-It Baseball Bat Weight System, the only weight in the game you can hit during live batting practice! This is a complete hitting system that provides real results. The Hitting Jack-It System quickly builds...
  • Pro Hands Exerciser

    Pro Hands Exerciser

    David Magadan, Boston Red Sox Hitting Coach, explains the role of strong hands, wrists and forearms for great hitting. Strong hands are the key to Baseball excellence and only the patented Prohands challenges each finger individually for Power, Speed &...
  • Pow'r Wrap Bat Weight - Baseball

    Pow'r Wrap Bat Weight - Baseball

    Pow'r Wrap

    Pow'r Wrap® bat weight, the only approved attachable weight for softball and Little League, Excellent on-deck and off season training weight. Baseball Pow'r Wrap. Fits 2 5/8" and 2 3/4" diameter bats. Weighs 24 ounces. Legal for use in all baseball...
  • Weighted Agility Gloves

    Weighted Agility Gloves

    A revolutionary training aid, allows for high velocity training during sports specific movements. Weights are built into the lining of each finger and thumb.- Hit more home runs - Catch the tough grounder - Throw the heat - Steal more base/run faster...
  • Deluxe Pine Tar Pro

    Deluxe Pine Tar Pro


    This handy Deluxe Pine Tar Pro makes it easy to apply Pine Tar to any bat with ease, and without the mess. It also comes with its own attached carrying case for the bottle of Pine Tar and a clip so that it can be attached to almost anything. A 4 oz...
  • Pow'rWrap On Deck Weight - LL

    Pow'rWrap On Deck Weight - LL

    Pow'r Wrap

    Little League Pow'r Wrap. Fits 2 1/4" diameter bats. Weighs 16 ounces. Only approved bat weight for Little League use. Approved by Little League Baseball for on field use. Perfect on-deck warm-up weight. (Donut weights are illegal.) Tough polycarbonate...
  • Power Drive Pitch-n-Throw Brace 2 Power Drive Pitch-n-Throw Brace 2

    Power Drive Pitch-n-Throw Brace

    Pro Power Drive Systems

    The Power Drive Pitch-n-Throw Brace is One-of-a-Kind. It “Strengthens” your True Throwing muscles by resistance while you use our pitching aid. By using The Power Drive Pitch-n- Throw Brace while you do your Long Toss routine it is like...
  • Bury-All Baseball Home Plate

    Bury-All Baseball Home Plate


    This Bury-All Home Plate features a non-skid rubber surface that prevents slipping & skidding. The plate is 3.5" high with a rubber waffle bottom and beveled edges. 5/16" thick molded rubber Official 17" size 3.5" high Non-skid rubber surface
  • Pow'r Wrap On Deck Weight - Softball

    Pow'r Wrap On Deck Weight - Softball

    Pow'r Wrap

    Softball Pow'r Wrap. Fits 2 1/4" diameter bats. Weighs 24 ounces. Only approved bat weight for all softball leagues. Approved by ASA, USSSA, NSA, and legal for high school and NCAA. Perfect on-deck warm-up weight. Donut style weights are illegal! Tough...
  • Wallet Workbook

    Wallet Workbook

    This simple to follow 150 page picture workbook fits in your pocket to take to the field or cage. With nearly 500 full color pictures directly from the entire video series, it highlights all the key points to remember. $19.95     Currently...
  • Xelerator Fastpitch Softball Pitching Trainer Xelerator Fastpitch Softball Pitching Trainer

    Xelerator Fastpitch Softball Pitching Trainer


    The Xelerator Fastpitch Softball Pitching Trainer teaches correct muscle memory nearly 20 times faster than conventional pitching only training. Increases pitching speed and accuracy. Wrist snap is automatically developed and stored as muscle memory. The...
  • Brett Hockey Catchers Mask

    Brett Hockey Catchers Mask


    This lightweight helmet has great visibility and protection. It is also NOCSAE approved, and available in Blue, Red, and Black. It is ideal for most levels of play.
  • Ionic Necklaces

    Ionic Necklaces


    For Any Player or Active Sports Fan Rejuvenate your body from physical activity & stress. The IONIC necklace helps relieve stiffness in the neck and shoulders, eventually stabilizing your whole body. Features: - These are soft and comfortable. - Ease...
  • Rolling Ball Collector Rolling Ball Collector

    Rolling Ball Collector

    Heater Sports

    The Rolling Ball Collector by Heater Sports, or the "Ball Vacuum Shagger & Holder" eliminates bending over and picking up balls. Professional ball players spend most of their time developing and improving their skills instead of shagging balls...
  • On Sale
    Pocket Radar Ball Coach / Pro Speed Training Tool and Radar Gun Pocket Radar Ball Coach / Pro Speed Training Tool and Radar Gun

    Pocket Radar Ball Coach / Pro Speed Training Tool and Radar Gun

    Now: $334.95
    Was: $477.00
    View Immediate Results of Coaching and Training!  Pocket Radar, Inc. created the pro-level Ball Coach radar to evaluate skill level with instant and unbiased feedback. It's a speed training tool for player development through one-on-one coaching or...
    Now: $334.95
    Was: $477.00