
Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

  • Fastpitch Slap Hitting for Beginners DVD Cover Fastpitch Slap Hitting for Beginners DVD

    Fastpitch Slap Hitting for Beginners DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    Raise your batting average and learn the art of slap hitting in fastpitch softball with this video from softball Coach Jerry Johnson The slap hitter must be able to run to first in less than three...
  • The Triple Pitch Fastpitch DVD Cover The Triple Pitch Fastpitch DVD by Jerry Johnson

    The Triple Pitch Fastpitch DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    Fool batters by adding the Triple Pitch to your fastpitch arsenal. The Triple Pitch is a softball pitch as reliable as a changeup, curveball and dropball. It's a combination of all three that gives...
  • The Rise Ball for the Younger Pitcher

    The Rise Ball for the Younger Pitcher

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    Jerry Johnson announced he was creating a new pitching instructional video in 2010. It's titled The Rise Ball "For The Younger Pitcher" which highlights the mechanics and concept of including the...
  • The Basics of Windmill Pitching "For the Younger Softball Pitcher" DVD

    The Basics of Windmill Pitching "For the Younger Softball Pitcher" DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    This Softball Pitching DVD is loaded with drills for the young beginner, intermediate and advanced pitcher. It is like having two DVDs for the price of one. Morgan and Megan demonstrate the proper...
  • The Drop Ball For The Younger Pitcher DVD

    The Drop Ball For The Younger Pitcher DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    Jerry Johnson announced he was creating a new pitching instructional video in June of 2007. It's titled The Drop Ball "For The Younger Pitcher" which will be on the drop ball. This instructional...
  • The Curve and Screw Ball For The Younger Pitcher DVD

    The Curve and Screw Ball For The Younger Pitcher DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    This DVD isn't just for the beginner or intermediate pitcher… it's for ALL pitchers. Demonstrations include how to correctly pitch the screw ball and curve ball; and drills for pitchers of all...
  • Fastpitch Softball Pitching - The Change Up "For the Younger Pitcher" DVD

    Fastpitch Softball Pitching - The Change Up "For the Younger Pitcher" DVD

    Jerry's Fastpitch Videos

    This DVD is unique because it utilizes six pitchers. All six of the pitchers will pitch one or more change up pitches. They will throw several different stiff wrist change ups, open hand change ups...