
Personal Pitcher

Personal Pitcher

Personal Pitcher

  • Personal Pitcher A/C Adapter

    Personal Pitcher A/C Adapter

    Personal Pitcher

    A/C Adapter for the Personal Pitcher Pro pitching machine.
  • Small Wiffle® Training Balls

    Small Wiffle® Training Balls

    Personal Pitcher

    These practice hitting balls are perfectly designed and sized, to work with the Personal Pitcher and Personal Pitcher Pro. Made to withstand the force of a regular bat, these small Wiffle® balls...
  • Hitmaster Grobat

    Hitmaster Grobat

    Personal Pitcher

    Use the Bat that GROWS with you! The GroBat™ is a small diameter training bat for baseball or softball and is designed to be used with “small balls”. Hitting a small ball with...
  • Personal Pitcher Solar Power Adapter

    Personal Pitcher Solar Power Adapter

    Personal Pitcher

    Run your Personal Pitcher Pitching Machine without the AC adapter or battery! Simply plug in the Solar Charger and aim it at the sun. Great for travel ball teams, away games, the backyard...
  • Personal Pitcher Tripod

    Personal Pitcher Tripod

    Personal Pitcher

    The Personal Pitcher uses a Standard Camera Tripod at $35 each. *Only $25 if purchased with a Personal Pitcher* This discount will be applied after receipt of the order. (If you have your own tripod,...