Strengthen your hitting muscles! Use an overload trainer bat from Meiga and your swing will be faster and more powerful! The Meiga Overload Strength Training Bats / Warm Up Bats are safe and effective bats that can be used for softball and baseball strength training, or to loosen up muscles before batting practice or a game. These training bats feature an adjustable weight transfer on the bat shaft. Adjusting the weight towards the handle will create a lighter feel and away form the handle will create a heavier feel. The different models (M1, M2, M3 and M4) as well as the adjustable weight transfer system, accommodates players of all ages and makes it a valuable softball/baseball training aid in any strength and conditioning program.
SKU# | Bat Weight and Training Application |
M12-M1 | 4.3 lbs. / 69 oz. Recommended for Youth/High School Baseball and High School/College Softball |
M12-M2 | 5 lbs. / 80 oz. Recommended for High School/College Baseball and College Softball |
M12-M3 | 7.2 lbs. / 114 oz. Recommended for High School/College/Professional Baseball and Men’s Softball |
M12-M4 | 8.1 lbs. / 130 oz. Recommended for Professional/College Baseball/Men's Softball |
Meiga Strength Training Bat Features
- Easily adjustable bat weight - simply disengage plunger from the groove in bat shaft
- For Baseball or Softball use
- A model/weight for all levels of play
- Great for strength training
- Made of steel with nickel chrome plating for durability
- Safe and effective for year-round training and warm-up use
Meiga Strength Training Bat F.A.Q.
1. How do you adjust the position of the weight on the Meiga Warm-Up Bat?
- The weight on the Meiga Warm-Up Bat consist of a ring, that when pulled, the weight will release from the groove on the bat shaft. At this time, the weight can be transferred to the desired position on the shaft of the bat.
2. What’s the benefit of the weight adjustment system on the Meiga Warm-Up Bat?
- Shifting the weight on the Meiga Warm-Up Bat will change the center of gravity of the bat. This feature will create a lighter feel when the weight is positioned closest to the handle (handle-loaded) and a heavier feel when the weight is located at the end of the bat (end-loaded).
3. What is over-load strength training?
- Any type of strength training that requires you to train with a heavier bat than what you use in a game.
4. Can you provide me with some example drills that I can I use the Meiga Warm-Up Bat with?
- Overload strength training is a very effective training tool in the off-season. The Meiga Warm-Up Bat can be used to train throughout the year. One drill that can be implemented is swinging your Meiga Warm-Up Bat (8 sets of 10 with a 1 to 2 minute rest in between sets). Make sure that you maintain your natural swing every time while using the Meiga Warm-Up Bat. The purpose of this drill is to train and strengthen your muscles that are responsible for generating your swing, thus developing a more powerful and quicker swing. Any bat that alters your swing is too heavy and should not be used. Only use a weighted bat that you can handle. Make sure to adjust the position of the weight to meet your comfort level. ****Before you do any type of weight training exercises, make sure that your muscles are properly loose and stretched to prevent injuries.
5. I always see professional baseball players use warm up bats on the on deck circle. What is the best way to use one right before an at bat?
- Meiga Bats does not recommend swinging any type of weighted bat at full strength on the on deck circle, in particular, right before an at bat because of muscle fatigue. Instead, most professional players will use a warm up bat to stretch and loosen up various muscles of the back, arms, and shoulders before an at bat.
Meiga Strength Training Bat Testimonials
Last season we started using the (M2) Meiga Warm Up Bat instead of the big red plastic type. We use it for bat control drills, plyo-stretching of the shoulders, as well as for a basic warm up bat. After one year, the quality of the bat is just like when we pulled it out of the box. The quick adjust feature is actually the kids favorite as they do not have to waste time adjusting it and dealing with the rusty screw type that we have had in the past. We also will be investing in the one handed model this season, as well as other full scale models to continue with bat control drills that our coaches have picked up at ABCA conventions. John Hodges - Louisville Seneca High School, Head Baseball Coach
The Meiga Warm Up Bat is liked a lot by our kids for its "easy-to-change" weight features. We use it more in practice than in games. Our kids like to use it to stretch the back and shoulders before swinging. Mike Wiss - Minster High School, Head Baseball Coach
As a baseball coach, I used the Meiga Warm Up Bat and the MAT Bat as a means to strengthen our teams physical strength and hitting performances. My players used the Meiga Warm Up Bat to build up forearm strength in the off-season and then during the season to maintain strength and to get loose. The MAT Bat helped improve our teams hand-eye coordination and actually increased our teams batting average by 100 points. I would recommend both of these training bats to any program looking to get that competitive edge. Mike Tudor - Amelia, Ohio
Being a bigger guy, I could never really get loose for my AB's. That all changed when I bought the M4 Warm-up Bat. It was perfect for me at the 8 lbs. Other members of my softball team found it useful as well because you could lessen the load on the weight of the bat. Where was this bat 10 years ago? Mike Brendus - Columbus, Ohio