Tee Stackers help to create challenging hitting drills and stations at practice. Batters will receive instant feedback on the correctness of their swings, helping to improve mechanics even while working alone. You can use any combination of different size balls to enhance focus with this hitting aid.
Tee Stackers unique design allows you to stack two or three balls on the tee at one time by placing a Stacker between each ball. Can be used with a single or double tee.
If you swing cleanly on plane through the top ball, the Stacker slides off and the next ball is ready to hit. If you swing off plane by topping the ball, casting, uppercutting, etc, the Stacker is disturbed, and the remaining balls will fall. Using Tee Stackers gives you instant feedback on every swing. Tee Stacker drills improve focus and makes hitting from a tee more challenging for all ages and skill levels.
- Stack 2 or 3 balls at once on a tee
- Enhance focus by hitting in a different plane each time you swing
- Get instant feedback on every swing
- Practice with a fundamentally sound training aid
- Make Hitting from a Tee more Challenging
The Tee Stacker Kit Includes:
- 2 Tee Stackers
- 2 Attachment Cords with Locks
- Mesh Carrying Bag
- Directions and Basic Drills Instructions
- NOTE: Tee Not Included